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styx valley
gold creek falls styx valley tasmania

Gold Creek Revisited

Gold Creek falls is a real hidden gem of the Styx Valley. It’s a shame access is quite messy as it could be a big part of a grander plan for attracting big tree tourists to the area. On my previous visit I found my way to the base of the main fall. This time...Read More

Styx Valley Fungi Fun

It is mid winter – apparently – the warm weather feels like winter didn’t really happen this year – and all of a sudden I’ve noticed a lack of fungi photos in my blog lately! So I present these Styx Valley fungi finds from a few visits over the autumn months.        ...Read More
styx valley tolkien grove

Styx Valley Tolkien Track

Despite being a relatively regular visitor to the Styx, it is ages since I visited the Tolkien Track so I decided to rectify that recently to reacquaint myself with some of the giant trees in the area. For those who don’t know, the Tolkien Grove was the site of a major forest protest back in...Read More
Rainforest along Gold Creek, Styx Valley

Gold Creek Falls – Styx Valley

Thanks to the extremely handy Waterfalls of Tasmania website, I recently made my way to the relatively unknown Gold Creek Falls in the Styx Valley. The creek is covered in stunning green rainforest and the waterfall itself is quite large although hard to frame up in a “typical” kind of way due to the dense...Read More

Styx Valley World Heritage Area

A welcome addition to the Styx Valley World Heritage area is this new sign! For years the valley has been the scene of bitter disputes between the forest industry and conservationists. Now, the North Styx and two Big Tree reserves in the valley of the giants are officially part of the World Heritage Area. On...Read More

Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area expanded!

Some great news this week for forest conservation in Tasmania – the World Heritage Commitee meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia has passed a recommendation to extend Tasmanias World Heritage Area by 172,500 hectares. The new boundaries will now include some of Tasmania’s most pristine wild forests such as the Styx Valley, the Upper Florentine Valley and...Read More

Tasmanian Photography Locations Part I: Gordon River Road

I am often asked what my own personal favourite location to shoot in Tasmania is and funnily enough I always struggle to have one straight off the bat answer, so I thought I’d compile a list of 5 regions which have provided me with some of my most memorable photographic experiences over the past few years. Part 1: Gordon...Read More