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Devils in the snow Cradle Mountain

Recently I had the rather unique experience of photographing the Tasmanian Devils in the snow at Cradle Mountain!

tasmanian devil snow cradle mountain

Photographing the Tasmanian Devil at the Devils@Cradle sanctuary is a part of my 4 day Cradle Mountain Photography Workshop

tasmanian devil snow cradle mountain

A Tasmanian Devil at Devils@Cradle. A unique chance to see Tasmanias most iconic animal in a natural setting.

My Cradle Mountain photography workshops all include a visit to the wonderful devil conservation park Devils@Cradle, and in early May our visit co-incided with a few flurries of snow.

quoll snow cradle mountain

The Spot-tailed quoll, one of Tasmania’s two quoll species and a “carnivorous marsupial” just like the devil – ie keep your fingers away!

While snow might have made our sunrise sessions a little tricky, it added something rather special to our visit to the devils and quolls at Devils@Cradle.

quoll snow cradle mountain

The Spot-tailed Quoll in his enclosure. Devils@Cradle.

quoll snow cradle mountain

Quoll in the snow, Devils@Cradle

The critters didn’t seem particularly fussed by the snow but it was a nice experience for us as a group. My next photographic workshop up at Cradle Mountain runs from September 12-15 and there are still a couple of places available. Contact me now to book a place!

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About Luke

Luke O'Brien runs a stall at Hobart's popular Salamanca Market every Saturday where his prints and cards are available for purchase. Follow Luke's photographic adventures on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.