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Tasmanian fungi Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus

Fungi: Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus

Over the past few yeas I have photographed many fungi in Tasmania and wanted to start being a little more thorough re ID-ing and recording them, so expect to see lots of random posts now and then as I try and sort through my fungi photos and present them in a somewhat useful manner! Most of the ID notes are from the Tasmanian Fungi field guide by Genevieve Gates and David Ratkowsky.

Tasmanian fungi Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus

Tasmanian fungi Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus. Found at St Columba Falls. F16 for good depth of field, 13 second exposure.

Todays specimen – Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus. Found at St Columba Falls in north east Tasmania back in June 2019.

Tasmanian fungi Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus

Small group of this fascinating fungi


Cluster of Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus

Cluster of them growing out of a fallen tree near St Columba Falla


Tasmanian fungi Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus

Beautiful yellow hue of an emerging Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus. Again shot at f16 for some detailed depth of field, this time a 25 second shutter speed was required. Needless to say a tripod was also essential!


Tasmanian fungi Pleurotus purpureo-olivaceus

Another view of the fungi.

This species is mostly found in the typical autumn months, ie April-May-June, growing on rotted wood.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.