Marriotts Falls
I first visited Marriotts Falls a very long time ago – perhaps 10 years or longer – and was quite captivated by the spot. Myrtles, sassafras and tree ferns framed the graceful waterfall very nicely, but I didn’t feel I had a “great” shot of it yet. I have been back a couple of times, with no luck. The last time being far too wet to set up the camera anywhere, and today I hoped to get my “classic” Marriotts Falls shot in the bag. How did it go?
Not very good… A warning sign at the start of the track mentioned a fallen tree at the falls, but it is basically carnage up there. A giant eucalypt has come down right through the pool in front of the falls, crushing the rainforest sassys in its way. I don’t know if National Parks plan to clear the debris but it would be quite a job.
I couldn’t help but think we were seeing a little landscape evolution in action here too. The giant eucalypt has smashed to the earth, knocking out the rainforest understory. This will let in more sunshine and dry out the area, leading to the remaining ferns and that sole myrtle right in front of the falls to suffer, and no doubt succumb to more eucalypts etc as the years go by. I think the nice rainforest clad waterfall I saw all those years ago is a thing of the past.
I was also keeping a keen eye out for the fungi, which was starting to appear. Not lots, but definitely a few here and there.
Whetting the appetite for the months ahead!