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Regnans Falls in Tasmania's Styx Valley of the giants

Regnans Falls, Styx Valley

Regnans Falls in the Styx Valley has been on my radar for a long while now, and I finally made the time to go find it last weekend.

Regnans Falls in Tasmania's Styx Valley of the giants

The stream below Regnans Falls

It is right beside the Big Tree reserve/walk, around 200 metres past the main visitor area. If you look closely on the right hand side of the road you will find a pink tag and the route to the waterfall is tagged most of the way. It is not an actual walking track, so you will find yourself going over logs and around and about all over the place, but basically you are just following the creek upstream for 30 minutes or so until you reach the falls.

Regnans Falls in Tasmania's Styx Valley of the giants

Beautiful fern filled rainforest gully at Regnans Falls

The falls themselves are mostly hidden by a large fallen tree but there are many nice cascades among the fern filled rainforest so it is worth a couple of hours of bush bashing to see.

Regnans Falls in Tasmania's Styx Valley of the giants

Phone photo of the falls and the giant log fallen over in front of them


Regnans Falls in Tasmania's Styx Valley of the giants

Another phone photo

The area is quite beautiful and there is a lot of water around at the moment so it is a good time to explore. I am enjoying getting reacquainted with the Styx Valley during this period of slow down in business. The giant trees of the Styx Valley were a big attraction to me when I first visited Tasmania and one of the influencing factors in deciding to move here. It is nice to have the time to be out among the giant trees again 🙂

Regnans Falls in Tasmania's Styx Valley of the giants

Fern shadows on the fast flowing creek


Regnans Falls in Tasmania's Styx Valley of the giants

Another shot of the falls, taken with the proper camera this time!

I have just discounted my Mt Field & Styx Valley day tour and would love to show you around this spectacular part of Tasmania. The tour runs on demand so contact me if you’d like to book it in!

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.