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Snow at Dove Lake!

This is the scene we were greeted with at Dove Lake last week during this month’s Cradle Mountain photography workshop!

Snow, Cradle Mountain & Dove Lake

The blue light of pre-dawn on a snow covered Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake

As usual, we arrived early for our sunrise shoot, not knowing quite what to expect given the forecast. The drive to the lake was clear – no rain or snow hindered our progress. But when we arrived, a winter (or in this case an early autumn) wonderland awaited!

Glacier Rock, Dove Lake

Sunrise colour in the sky, seen from the new viewing platform at Glacier Rock


A snowy Cradle Mountain at dawn

A snowy Cradle Mountain at dawn

The mountain was fairly clear but the peak of the mountain remained obscured. But then the morning light hit, and the cloud only added to the wintery atmosphere. It was one of the most beautiful mornings I’ve experienced there – and I’ve had plenty of mornings at Dove Lake I can promise you that!

Morning light hitting Cradle Mountain and Marions Lookout.

Morning light hitting Cradle Mountain and Marions Lookout. Stunning 🙂


Morning light hitting Cradle Mountain and Marions Lookout.

Morning light hitting Cradle Mountain and Marions Lookout.


The Dove Lake track signpost covered in snow

The Dove Lake track signpost covered in snow

We somewhat reluctantly returned to the car park, but no-one was really keen to leave just yet. A flurry of snow hit, and we spent another 30 minutes or so just enjoying the experience. On closer inspection of our surrounds we found some currawong tracks in the snow too 🙂

Currawong tracks in the snow

Currawong tracks in the snow

Here is some short phone footage of the location.

An absolute stunner of a morning, and such a great experience to share with my wonderful guests from all over the world. My next trip is in September so who knows, some spring snow could be on the cards 🙂

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.