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aurora timelapse
aurora australis october 11 2024

Aurora Australis Timelapse

This aurora australis timelapse is from the very impressive display last month. It covers around 20 minutes of action from around 9:15, condensed into a very short video. I took two cameras with me that night. One I was pointing here, there and everywhere as the light show shifted from one part of the sky...Read More

Aurora Timelapse Tasmania – October 7-8 2015

I am still amazed by the light show from October 7-8 2015. I have put together the following timelapse, which is basically a sequence of images covering almost all of the activity from late on October 7 and going right through to around 3:00am on the morning of October 8. The “super” aurora – Oct...Read More

What a night of aurora photography!

Well last night was an absolute epic night of aurora photography! I wasn’t really expecting a show but as usual I checked my app after dinner only to see that the Bz was sitting pretty at -20 and a sighting was basically guaranteed. After somewhat hastily (and hopefully not too rudely!) excusing ourselves from a...Read More

Aurora Timelapse at Cradle Mountain

I have prepared a short aurora timelapse video, this time from Cradle Mountain. The footage is from the night of Saturday November 15, 2014 and the images were captured right smack bang in the middle of the 7 day Cradle Mountain and Freycinet photography workshop which I run with Michael Snedic each November. This means...Read More

Night Sky Timelapse in Tasmania

I put together this night sky timelapse of some shots I took last night in pursuit of the aurora – I missed out on the highlight of the show sadly, but was ever hopeful despite some major clouds. I started shooting with the thought in mind that maybe the clouds would part and a booming...Read More