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Tasmania A Photographic Journey: New Book!

** UPDATE Oct 2022 – my book is now sold out! I’ll have to get cracking on book #2. Thanks everyone for your support for my first book 🙂 **

I am very excited to announce that my first ever book, “Tasmania: A Photographic Journey” is now available for purchase!

Tasmania A Photographic Journey New Book by Luke O'Brien. Now available!

Tasmania A Photographic Journey New Book by Luke O’Brien. Now available!

The book is basically a “snapshot” (pardon the pun!) of my last 10 plus years photographing Tasmania. I have structured the book based on locations around Tasmania and the Chapters are as follows:

Foreword by wildlife artist Katherine Cooper

Cradle Mountain and the Overland Track

The East Coast

The Night Sky (including the Aurora)

The Macro Landscape (particularly fungi!)

Mt Field & South West

The North East

The Tarkine

The book is 136 pages; hard-cover and will come presented with a Frenchfold dust jacket. In total the book contains 117 of my images. A few of the chapters include a special “feature page” which tells the story of a few of the more significant photo experiences I have had over the years.

Thank you to Katherine Cooper for the kind words in the foreword; and to Ian Wallace for the design and pre-press.

Tasmania A Photographic Journey - new book by Luke O'Brien

A sneak preview for those who can’t wait 🙂

In essence it is a summary of all that I find so special about Tasmania and I hope everyone will be as excited to see it as I have been to prepare it!

Contact me to order yours now!

*** Retailers are also very welcome to contact me to request stock; or to place an order on your regular Black Gum Distribution order form ***

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Young Masked Owl at the Raptor Refuge
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.