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Walls of Jerusalem: Little Fisher River

The Little Fisher River is a part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, in the northern part of the Walls of Jerusalem National Park.

Little Fisher River Walls of Jerusalem National Park

The Little Fisher flows out of the northern reaches of the Walls of Jerusalem National Park

This selection of photos is “From the Vault”, taken many years ago on my first visit to the area. The rainforest along the easy river walk was sublime. Basically myrtle rainforest, with a lot of pandani present in certain areas, it was a joy to photograph.

Myrtle rainforest along the river

The walk takes you through magnificent myrtle rainforest scenes such as this

Accessing the Little Fisher River

This section of the Walls of Jerusalem National Park is accessed by a side road from the main C171 road at Lake Rowallan. It is a bumpy old logging road but well passable in a regular non 4WD. There are some useful driving notes here.

Mossy Cascades Little Fisher River

Mossy Cascades Little Fisher River

The Little Fisher River, as well as being a destination in its own right is also an alternative access to the main Walls of Jerusalem plateau, popping up in the vicinity of Turanna Bluff and the Daisy Lakes.

Unnamed waterfall, Little Fisher River

Unnamed waterfall on the creek


Sub-alpine rainforest of myrtle and pandani

Sub-alpine rainforest of myrtle and pandani makes for some great photo opportunities

The highlight of the trip photographically was this magic morning light on the river waters. A lovely red glow on the dark tannin stained waters, deep in the magical forest was quite an experience.

Magic morning light on the Little Fisher River.

Magic morning light on the Little Fisher River.

I am planning to revisit shortly, this time to photograph the beautiful Rinadeena Falls. There is an unfortunate and sorry story about why I didn’t photograph the falls on the last visit, but I’ll tell you all about that another time…

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About Luke

Luke O'Brien runs a stall at Hobart's popular Salamanca Market every Saturday where his prints and cards are available for purchase. Follow Luke's photographic adventures on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.