About Luke
I believe a good photograph can move the viewer not only to see what it is that the photographer sees, but also to encourage and inspire the viewer to see these scenes for him or herself.
The digital age has succeeded in making photography a much more accessible pursuit, but has not changed the spirit of landscape and wilderness photography which ultimately requires the photographer to invest his or her time and physical exertion in order to accomplish meaningful photographic works.
It is my intent that my images, while taking full advantage of the benefits of the digital age, remain grounded in my desire to share my appreciation of the colour, movement and drama which pulsates throughout our world, freely visible to any and all who may choose to seek it out.
I further hope that my work can inspire motivation for conserving, appreciating and understanding our natural world. The more time I spend in Tasmania’s wild and natural places the more grateful I am to live in such a place and to make a living doing something which means so much to me. I am always grateful to everyone who has booked a tour or purchased any of my images, or in any way supported my photography.
Thank you all for allowing me to continue doing what I love 🙂
Career Achievements
- RePL (drone pilot’s licence) including AROC acquired in January 2021
- Opening and running my own “Tasmanian Landscapes Gallery” for 4 years in Hobart, Tasmania from 2009-2013.
- Aurora Australis image featurs on Australia Post stamp (Aug 2014) and covers (front and back) of “Aurora Chasers Handbook” (2013).
- Television features: ABC 7:30 “Aurora Chasers” Sept 2015. Images and aurora timelapse footage used in “The Kettering Incident” (Foxtel) 2016. Feature with Dr Chris Brown’s Photo Challenge on “The Living Room” (Network 10) July 2016.
- Print Media Features: Mercury Newspaper April 2016; Australian Geographic (South West Wilderness – Nov 2013; Aurora – July 2016); RACT Portfolio Aug 2011; Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife (Lake St Clair) promotional images for “60 Great Short Walks” and other uses; “Tarkine Drive” visitor pamphlett (cover) 2015.
- Photographer for the Raptor & Wildlife Refuge of Tasmania since 2012. Images published in The Mercury and in the Refuge’s calendar since 2013.
- “Rebuilding Lives” Fundraising Exhibition for North East Japan in the wake of the March 11 Earthquake & Tsunami. Thanks to the wonderful generosity of the people of Hobart, this exhibition raised $4290 for the people of Tohoku, Japan. We donated this money in person, in Fukushima, in June 2012.
- Commercial: Georgetown Council and Waratah/Wynyard Council for promotional/tourism images; 7HO FM staff shoot; various events and business shoots including for Sensis online; Transit Backpackers Hobart; Images for Hobart Edition of “Super Pages” 2011/12.
- Artistic: Shoots for Landscape Sculptor, Tyrone Jaspers; Images chosen as prizes for winners of the Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania Wrest Point Fine Food Awards.
- Hobart Photographic Society Presentations 2010, 2014, 2016.

Some achievements over the past few years include shoots and features such as (L-R): Parks & Wildlife (Lake St Clair); Raptor Refuge; The Living Room (Network 10); ABC 7:30 “Aurora Chasers” feature; Aurora Chasers Handbook.
Preferred Camera Gear
I have always used Pentax cameras since my first SLR (film) camera. In the digital age I have stuck with Pentax and now use (and highly recommend!) the brand new (May 2016) full frame K1 and still have a place in my kit bag for the great APS-C model, the Pentax K3.
If you are unfamiliar with the Pentax brand check out some of these reviews:
K1 in depth review at Pentax Forums
K3 Gold Star Review from dpreview
TIPA awards K3 (2014) and K1 (2016)
What’s in My Kit
My Kit includes the following lenses:
- Pentax DFA 24-70mm f2.8
- Pentax D FA 100mm f/2.8 Macro Lens
- Pentax D FA F2.8 15-30mm f/2.8
- Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8
- Pentax O-GPS1 – GPS unit which features an Astrotracer function
- NiSi S5 150mm Filter Holder Kit for Tamron/Pentax 15-30mm f/2.8 with CPL)
- DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone
I use a Manfrotto 190XPROB Aluminum Pro Tripod, B+W 10 stop ND filter as well as a rather unique smoked salmon reflector.
** NOTE ** Links above will take you to the products on Amazon. I have an Amazon Associates account meaning if you make a purchase after clicking on one of these links a very small percentage will come my way. In other words if you would like to support a local Tasmanian small business while purchasing from faceless multinational corporations then this could be just what you are looking for!