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Reflector for Macro Photography Tip

Well how’s this for a massive win/win tip – recently I started looking for a reflector for macro photography, and did a little bit of googling and made a couple of phone calls. I came up with pricing from as cheap as $20 or so right through to $100 for a set of 5 that were about 1 metre in diameter. Fortunately for me, I didn’t pull the trigger and received some stellar advice from one of my guests during my Tarkine trip a few weeks back. Go out and buy yourself a packet of smoked salmon she says, and take a close look at the packaging before you throw it away she says…

Introducing the all new Smoked Salmon Reflector for Macro Photography!

smoked salmon gold reflector

As if it were made especially for this purpose, one side of the card is gold…

smoked salmon silver reflector

…and the other is silver!

camera bag reflector

And it fits PERFECTLY into the slot on the flat side of my camera bag 🙂

I thought 1 metre reflectors were somewhat unnecessary given I mostly shoot tiny little fungi in the deep dark rainforest, and low and behold, this is a perfect solution. Fits right into my camera bag, doesn’t really matter if it gets wet or crumpled or ruined – I’ll just have to buy some more smoked salmon if the worst comes to the worst!

smoked salmon reflector for macro photography

How does the smoked salmon reflector work in the field? Deliciously 😉 LEFT: no reflector; CENTRE: silver reflector; RIGHT: gold reflector (click for full size)

Some more examples of the reflector in action:

smoked salmon reflector for macro photography

Without (L) and with (R) the reflector

smoked salmon reflector for macro photography

Without (L) and with (R) the reflector

Order yours today and receive a free set of steak knives!

For the record, I don’t know if all smoked salmon products come with the free reflector (or is the smoked salmon free with all reflector purchases??) but the one I purchased was from Huon. The reflector is 15.5cm x 19cm.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.