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Macro Photography Tips: A Closer Look at the Landscape

Recently I was on the north coast of Tasmania, at Narawntapu National Park. The weather was fine and sunny, which isn’t necessarily my favourite conditions for landscape photography. Instead I spent the morning with the macro lens attached, and pointed at the coast vegetation. In particular the grass trees caught my attention, with the long spines intermingling and merging with each other into nice abstract colours and patterns.

Macro photography tips - Grass Tree, Narawntapu

Macro – Grass Tree, Narawntapu

Macro Photography Tips: Shelter your Subject

The shallow depth of field makes for a beautiful effect on nature photos when only one small part of the frame is sharply focused. In this case I focused on two broken tips and let the rest of the image blur into a beautiful mish mash of greens and yellows. One of the best macro photography tips I have heard is to carry an umbrella, not so much for rain, but for wind. As you are dealing with such a very small scene when taking macro photos, it is important to shelter your subject from the wind, to minimise movement. You can also use the umbrella to shade your subject from harsh sunlight and contrast if needed.

Macro photography - Grass Tree, Narawntapu

Macro photography – Grass Tree, Narawntapu

This is the view from above a very small grass tree. All the spines radiate out from the centre which I positioned just to the right of centre. The eagle eyed amongst you might even remember this image was the header of my first email newsletter (edition 2 will be coming soon!). For those who haven’t joined my email list, please enter your details via the sign up box on the right. I will email every month or so with news and updates, and perhaps even the odd preview of some new pics.

Macro photography - Dew Drops

Macro photography – Dew Drops

Browse and Purchase fine art landscape and macro photography

All of my images are available for purchase. My online gallery contains all of my Tasmanian landscape photography including macro photos. Contact me to arrange purchase.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.