2017 calendar
Update Dec 19: *** CALENDAR NOW SOLD OUT ***
I am very happy to announce my new 2017 Tasmanian landscapes calendar is now available! See below to purchase via Paypal.
The cost remains unchanged at $15.00 and I am now taking orders (see below to purchase through Paypal). Postage is $7.50, Australia wide.
The calendar features mostly new shots (ie taken in the last 12 months) from all over Tasmania – including the awe inspiring landscapes from Tasmania’s Overland Track, as well as the Tarkine and Bay of Fires and of course a couple of Tasmania’s Southern Lights – one from the Overland Track, and another from the most amazing aurora I have ever witnessed down at Nine Pin Point in October 2015. These tiny little fungi feature, captured in Tasmania’s beautiful Tarkine region.

These lovely little pink mushrooms (and their tiny little white companion!) make an appearance in my 2017 calendar.
The calendar includes ample room for notes and appointments, and Australian public holidays are listed. It is printed in Hobart so you are supporting two local Tasmanian businesses when you make your purchase 🙂