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Cape Hauy, Tasman Peninsula

Cape Hauy is another classic day walk on the Tasman Peninsula, on the way to Port Arthur. The walk leaves from Fortescue Bay, and is a little less than 2 hours one way. The views up and down the coast, from Pirates Bay in the north all the way down south towards Cape Pillar and Tasman Island are fantastic. Not to mention the close up views of the Lanterns, with the smaller stack of dolerite columns (known as the Candlestick) and the even more slender Totem Pole (visible in the image below); and the Hippolyte Rocks, a granite outcrop, just a short distance off the coast.

Cape Hauy, Dusk

Dusk colours over Cape Hauy

The Sea Cliffs of Cape Hauy

The columns of the region are all dolerite – the very same type of rock present on Hobart’s Mt Wellington, and Cradle Mt and the Overland Track. Looking at the drop of 100+ metres literally straight down requires quite a steady head! The weather was very calm and clear – one of the best days we’ve had in a while actually. The evening threw up a lovely pink through the eastern sky (above) and stayed clear with a very close to full moon providing enough light for a nice long exposure of the Lanterns (below).

Cape Hauy "By Moonlight"

A 3/4 full moon lights up the lanterns and the sea off Cape Hauy, Tasmania

The Perils of Landscape Photography

The trip came with a downside though – my polariser made a sudden dash for freedom while I was removing it for the morning shoot, dropping out of my hand and rolling smoothly right off the edge of the columns, 100+ metres straight down – the plastic $5 lens cap needless to say wedged itself snugly between a couple of rocks and stayed put… I would have preferred to lose the lens cap if I had to lose something…

Cape Hauy and the Tasman Peninsula

Dawn, Tasman Peninsula – view towards Cape Pillar

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.