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Sunrise Cape Roual Tasman Peninsula

Cape Raoul – The Forgotten Cape

The Three Capes Track is now one of the most popular walks in Tasmania, as guests embark on a multi day walk through the Tasman National Park marveling at stunningly tall dolerite cliffs as they traverse coastal heathland from Port Arthur to Cape Pillar and Cape Hauy. It sounds like a rather wonderful experience, however, the only trouble with all this is – that is only Two Capes! Whatever became of that forgotten, third cape – Cape Raoul?

Cape Raoul at sunrise

Cape Raoul – the forgotten cape!

From my recollection (for what its worth) I seem to remember the original plan including some kind of boat transfer to allow guests on the Three Capes walk to visit all three capes, but perhaps cost or a think tank conspired to rule that out. So as things stand, Cape Raoul is a separate walk – and well and truly worth the half day required to visit.

Late afternoon light on the cliffs near our campsite

Late afternoon light on the cliffs near our campsite


Summer wildflowers and the cliffs of Cape Raoul

Summer wildflowers and the cliffs of Cape Raoul

For me, I was keen to repeat a trip I did 12 years ago – rather than doing Cape Raoul as a day walk, I took the Shiploads advice and bought a box, bag and friend and set off late one sunny summer afternoon to spend a night at Cape Raoul.

Cape Raoul Tasman Peninsula

The days last light. Perhaps not the best time of day to be hopping around on exposed cliff tops!


Sunset, Cape Raoul Tasman Peninsula

Sunset, Cape Raoul Tasman Peninsula


Cape Raoul Tasman Peninsula

A good view of the long drop down!


Cape Raoul, view to Tasman Island at dusk

Cape Raoul, view to Tasman Island at dusk


Looking down the spine of Cape Raoul

Looking down the spine of Cape Raoul

The track is very good, having been upgraded as part of the Three Capes Track planning. The signs all say 5 hours return, but it took us 2 hours each way.

Dawn view towards Tasman Island

Dawn view towards Tasman Island


The seals on Cape Raoul

The seals at the base of the cliffs were making audible from the lookout 100+ metres above!


Stunning sunrise and storm clouds above Tasman Island

Stunning sunrise and storm clouds above Tasman Island

All in all its a really great walk. Basically quite easy too. Well worth it in its own right, not just as a “forgotten” third cape!

Aurora Australis off the Tasman Peninsula, Feb 3, 2022
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.