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King Island

This time last year I was invited to join Environmental Sculptor Tyrone Jaspers on King Island for a few days to photograph some of his creations in the dramatic coastal environment of the island. It was mid-winter, and my first visit to the island (most famous for cheese, surfing and kelp) so I was looking forward to the visit. As well as shooting for Tyrone, there was plenty of time to sneak in a sunset or two, the most success coming actually on night 1, on Martha Lavinia beach.

Martha Lavinia Beach, King Island

Dusk Scene, Martha Lavinia Beach, King Island

Martha Lavinia Beach is on the north east coast of the island and is a very popular surf beach. It is also a great spot for seascapes with long expanses of sand with rocky foreshores for foreground interest. Highly recommended location to anyone lucky enough to visit.

Martha Lavinia Beach, King Island

Late afternoon light on King Island’s Martha Lavinia Beach

Another location we visited is Stokes Point, the southernmost point of the island. Here the shoreline is covered in some quite jagged and sharp rocks. Quite a contrast to the soft almost gentle nature of Martha Lavinia but very dramatic in it’s own right.

King Island Surf

Late afternoon light on the south end of King Island

King Island Full Moon

Full Moon rises over King Island

Anyone planning a trip should visit one of the King Island tourism websites for ideas. Make sure you enjoy the famous cheeses the island is famous for!

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.