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white bellied sea eagle
white bellied sea eagle arthur river tasmania

Arthur River Sea Eagles

The Arthur River Sea Eagles. While it could be the name of a local footy team – perhaps it could even be the name of Tassie’s new AFL team! But forgetting footy for the time being, this post is about the actual White bellied sea eagle – a mighty raptor, almost as large as the...Read More

Sea Eagle Pieman River Cruise

During this May’s Tarkine photography workshop we were extremely fortunate to witness this white bellied sea eagle during our Pieman River Cruise one morning. We had chartered the little “Sweetwater” vessel, allowing us a private cruise on the Pieman nice and early in the morning when the morning mist was still dancing with the tips...Read More

Sea Eagle Release!

The Raptor Refuge released a young and fighting fit White Bellied Sea Eagle the other day. After being found a little dazed and confused but with no serious injuries this young eagle only needed a couple of days to regain his strength and be on his way. The Raptor Refuge is a non profit organisation...Read More

Sea Eagle Release Bruny Island

Today I was privileged to photograph a White Bellied Sea Eagle release off Bruny Island. The event was the result of 9 weeks of hard work by Craig Webb, of the Raptor Refuge, who found the injured raptor near Cloudy Bay a couple of months ago. The nature of the 3 year old eagles injuries...Read More

Free as a bird

Yesterday I was asked to photograph the release of a feisty young White Bellied Sea Eagle in the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, just off Bruny Island. Craig Webb runs the Raptor and Wildlife Refuge of Tasmania which is dedicated to looking after injured Tasmanian Wildlife, with a special emphasis on the mighty Raptors, such as the White Bellied Sea...Read More