Everyone loves the wombat. So here’s a few Maria Island locals doing their best to not look adorable – and failing miserably!

Wombat in its natural habitat

The Wombats of Darlington. Surely there’s a kids TV show or at least a Wiggles song in that…

Wombat, Darlington, Maria Island

Photographing wombats doesn’t require quite the skill of shooting hummingbirds or cheetas, but I am still reasonably happy with this shot 🙂

I tried telling him he was standing on dirt and there was in fact a wonderful grassy lawn just a few metres away. But he just kept giving me this quizzical look like I had no idea what I was talking about… He’s right you know 😉

Wombat with Fossil Cliffs in the background

Wombat with Fossil Cliffs in the background

Turning his back on the camera. No one likes the papparazzi I guess

Close up!

This one was a real cutie

I was shooting from a good distance with my 70-200mm but he had obviously noticed me…

I lined up a few shots with the trees a really nice backdrop…

…and all of a sudden he made a bee-line straight for me! He came right up to the camera, I stayed still and he tried to bite my finger as he went by! They really don’t like the papparazzi on this island 🙂