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Wombat Wednesday

Everyone loves the wombat. So here’s a few Maria Island locals doing their best to not look adorable – and failing miserably!

Wombat, Maria Island

Wombat in its natural habitat


Wombat, Darlington, Maria Island

The Wombats of Darlington. Surely there’s a kids TV show or at least a Wiggles song in that…


Wombat, Darlington, Maria Island

Wombat, Darlington, Maria Island


Wombat, Darlington, Maria Island

Photographing wombats doesn’t require quite the skill of shooting hummingbirds or cheetas, but I am still reasonably happy with this shot 🙂


wombat on maria island tasmania

I tried telling him he was standing on dirt and there was in fact a wonderful grassy lawn just a few metres away. But he just kept giving me this quizzical look like I had no idea what I was talking about… He’s right you know 😉


Wombat with Fossil Cliffs in the background

Wombat with Fossil Cliffs in the background


Wombat with Fossil Cliffs in the background

Wombat with Fossil Cliffs in the background


Wombat on Maria Island Tasmania

Turning his back on the camera. No one likes the papparazzi I guess


Wombat on Maria Island Tasmania

Close up!


Wombat on Maria Island Tasmania

This one was a real cutie


Wombat on Maria Island Tasmania

I was shooting from a good distance with my 70-200mm but he had obviously noticed me…


Wombat on Maria Island Tasmania

I lined up a few shots with the trees a really nice backdrop…


Wombat on Maria Island Tasmania

…and all of a sudden he made a bee-line straight for me! He came right up to the camera, I stayed still and he tried to bite my finger as he went by! They really don’t like the papparazzi on this island 🙂

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.