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Aurora Australis Timelapse Mt Wellington Feb 23~24 2014

Here is a series of images taken from 11:01 to 12:36 overnight (Feb 23~24 2014) of a nicely shimmering Aurora Australis. There are numerous satellites and/or shooting stars, a few flybys of a helicopter with it’s search light on – I have no idea if it was some kind of drill, or if they were out seriously searching for someone – and even a tripod bump half way through. Quite cold and windy on the mountain last night but it was good to have a nice clear view of the aurora again 🙂

Aurora Australis Feb 23-24 2014 Mt Wellinton from Luke O’Brien on Vimeo.

The view over Hobart as the moon rose was also quite picturesque

Moonrise over Hobart from Mt Wellington

Moonrise over Hobart from Mt Wellington

If you are keen to get alerts from the field while an aurora is happening make sure to “Like” my Facebook Page, I always post when there is an aurora happening.

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Aurora Australis – The One That Got Away…
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Tarkine Photography and Art Exhibition: March 6~16 2014
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.