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Autumn in Tasmania

Autumn in Tasmania is a landscape photographers delight. The mountain sides are a riot of colour as Tasmania’s deciduous beech, the fagus, farewells the summer and its leaves change to reds, oranges and yellows. Cradle Mountain is a great place to view this unique Tasmanian experience.

Autumn, Cradle Mountain photography tour Tasmania

Autumn, Cradle Mountain photography tour Tasmania

Autumn, Cradle Mountain photography tour Tasmania

Autumn, Cradle Mountain photography tour Tasmania

Another highlight of the Tasmanian autumn is searching in the lush green of the rainforest for timy and intricate toadstools, mushrooms and other fungii. Macro photography becomes the challenge here as we get down close and explore the world an inch at a time.

Fungi in the Tasmanian rainforest near Cradle Mountain

Fungi in the rainforest near Cradle Mountain

Weather wise we can be blessed with stunningly clear skies, and sunsets & sunrises can be great. The east coast is a great place for colourful skies with dramatic foreshores and the Hazards Mountain range in Freycinet National Park making for great photographic subjects.

Sunset photography tuition Coles Bay Tasmania

Sunset photography tuition Coles Bay Tasmania

Why not join me for 4 days of photographic tuition in both locations. From April 22-25 I will guide you from Hobart in an all inclusive photography tour. We will stay at Cradle Mountain for 2 nights and Bicheno for 1 night. The cost is only $1625 per person and all aspects of outdoor photography such as landscapes, seascapes, macro, star trails and wildlife will be covered.

For enquiries and bookings contact me.

Full details on my Autumn in Tasmania Photography Tour special page.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.