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Bastion Cascades

The Bastion Cascades are just one of many hikes in the Meander area and we went to check them out a week or two ago. The weather turned out to be way sunnier than I was expecting which made shooting the waterfall tricky but it was still a great reccie for another visit in the cooler months when there is more water. It also turned out to be my first fungi shoot of the year 🙂

bastion cascades meander tasmania

Bastion Cascades – the bright sunny day wasn’t brilliant for shooting waterfalls so I guess I’ll have to plan on another trip here…

The track starts on Stone Hut Road in the Meander Forest Reserve. There is an old quarry where you can park your car and the first 15-20 mins or so is along the continuation of this road. You have two options for the hike – you can do a loop walk or go direct to the waterfall and back again, which is what we did this particular day. The full loop walk sounds like it would be great – details on that walk are here.

fungi bastion cascades track tasmania

A nice little fungi on the track to the falls

The fungi became apparent quite quickly so this must be an absolute paradise in peak-fungi season. The highlight for me was the purple corals.

A purple coral fungi on the Bastion Cascades track

A purple coral fungi on the Bastion Cascades track


Another purple coral fungi on the track

Another purple coral fungi on the track


Some more fungi along the trail

Some more fungi along the trail


Lichen or fungi on the track

I’m half sure this might actually be a lichen with its giant funnel like cap

The waterfall itself was great. No doubt on a cloudier day and with more water it’d be even more impressive. My favourite shot of the fall ended up being this reflection in the creek of the falls 🙂

reflections in the creek below the waterfall

Reflections – Bastion Cascades in the creek.

I also liked this shot of some of the waterflow. The top of the falls was getting some pretty serious sunlight which made shooting the whole fall tricky.

A close up of the lower part of the fall

A close up of the lower part of the fall

All in all a good day out, and a great reccie for a future visit 🙂

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.