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Crater Falls

Crater Falls is one of the only waterfalls in the Cradle Mountain day walk area. The walk begins at Ronney Creek and you will in fact be walking along the first section of the world famous Overland Track! The first 10 minutes or so is along a nice flat boardwalk through a wide open valley of buttongrass. This area is a great place to come at dusk to photograph the wombats, wallabies and if you are very lucky, platypus that call the valley home.

Tasmanian wildlife - Wallaby and joey

Tasmanian wildlife – Wallaby and joey

Once you cross the little bridge over Ronney Creek the path starts to head uphill through reasonably light woodland. After around 30 minutes you will see the denser green of the rainforest which flanks the creek. Upon entering the rainforest you follow the creek up past many cascades and the photographic fun begins!

Crater Falls at Cradle Mountain

Crater Falls at Cradle Mountain

The fall itself is small but picturesque, with a couple of cascades just below the main fall. The potential for macro photographs is great too, with gnarled rainforest trees, fungi in the wet months and the coloured fagus leaves in autumn. Once you are satisfied with your shoot you can continue climbing to Crater Lake and beyond or return the way you came. It is an easy and enjoyable Tasmanian short walk.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.