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Flying Duck Orchid at Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston

Flying Duck Orchid – Caleana major

The Flying Duck Orchid is one I haven’t found before (although admittedly I haven’t spent lots of time searching!) but last week I made the time to go out and find some at the Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston.

Flying Duck Orchid at Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston

Flying Duck Orchid at Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston

There is clearly no doubt as to how this particular species gets its name, it looks exactly like a ducks bill and eyes with a couple of petals stretched out like wings to boot.

Flying Duck Orchid at Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston

A flock of ducks, Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston

There were actually quite a lot to be found. Many were individuals but there was a patch where dozens were in very close proximity, so clearly this Reserve is a good spot to go duck hunting.

Flying Duck Orchid at Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston

A wider angle of the flying duck. It’s good to get a location shot too!

We also found a sun orchid, and plenty of non-orchid flowers so if you have the time, now is a great time to be out and about exploring Tassie’s reserves.

Flying Duck Orchid at Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston

A flying duck framed by some vegetation

Flying Duck Orchid at Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston

Flying Duck Orchid at Peter Murrell Reserve in Kingston

With the state gradually re-opening its borders to all states but Victoria – which is probably only a few weeks away from re-opening, now is a good time to start planning a trip! I have been updating my workshops to include more private tours, and my Hobart & Surrounds and Mt Field/Styx Valley day tours are great for those with less time.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.