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Fungi Season! Tahune Airwalk

Fungi season is well and truly here, so expect plenty of mushroom pics for the next couple of months 🙂 The first batch is from down at the Tahune Airwalk. Near the airwalk and along the banks of the Huon River is a very nice short walk known as the Huon Pine walk. It is a very easy circuit walk which for those who are not photographing fungi can be completed in around 10-15 minutes. I spent a couple of hours here and to be honest felt rushed!

fungi tahune airwalk tasmania

The first one I found was this pair. I am useless at ID so this is an orangey brown one. Really nice gills, see crop below.

fungi tahune airwalk tasmania

The gills, cropped in. I used the Pentax K1’s “pixel shift” mode for extra detail and colour richness.

fungi tahune airwalk tasmania

A bit of a location shot. This pair were growing on the edge of a fallen log in the moss.

fungi tahune airwalk tasmania

Another one, much more common. I would take a guess at Trametes versicolour.

fungi tahune airwalk tasmania

The ones I spent the most time on were these guys, no doubt one of the Mycena species. Great mossy surrounds kept me busy composing, trying to put the fungi into its landscape.

fungi tahune airwalk tasmania

…and probably the highlight of the day 🙂

fungi tahune airwalk tasmania

A nice little brown one tucked away in the moss. No idea re ID…

fungi tahune airwalk tasmania

A slightly closer view of the brown one

These shots were all taken with the K1 and 100mm macro. I don’t use a flash, just natural light (and therefore a tripod!). I shot a lot of them with the “pixel shift” function, meaning an enhanced resolution and colour rendition.

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About Luke

Luke O'Brien runs a stall at Hobart's popular Salamanca Market every Saturday where his prints and cards are available for purchase. Follow Luke's photographic adventures on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.