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Happy New Year!

2015 is coming to a close and it has been a very exciting year for myself both photographically and personally. I want to thank everyone for keeping in touch with my photographic travels over the past 12 months and I hope to meet many more of you in person in the future, either at my Salamanca stall or on one of my ever growing range of workshops.

2015 year in review

My personal highlights for 2015 included, in no particular order:

Frenchmans Cap hike

One of Tasmania’s most special bushwalks into the heart of the wilderness. 4 days surrounded by the jagged quartzite mountains of western Tasmania included one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever captured.

Sunrise Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area

Sunrise from near Frenchmans Cap in the heart of the Tasmanian Wilderness

Tarkine Photography Workshop

My first ever Tarkine photography workshop with Michael Snedic ran in May and our participants were treated to some magnificent weather, landscapes and colourful autumn fungi. The wonderful staff at Corinna made sure we didn’t go hungry either 🙂 This workshop is running again in May 2016 so click here for all the details. In other Tarkine related news, some of my images have been included in a brand new guide to the Tarkine – Tarkine Trails.

Blue fungi in Tasmania's Tarkine rainforest

Blue fungi in Tasmania’s Tarkine rainforest

Aurora Australis

As well as witnessing the most stunning display of the southern lights I have ever seen in October, this year I was also interviewed by ABC TV (7:30) for a feature on aurora chasing in Tasmania which aired in early September. My obsession with “seeing the light” is unlikely to subside in 2016 either I predict…

Aurora Australis Tasmania, October 7-8 2015

Aurora Australis, Nine Pin Point, October 7-8 2015

Raptor Refuge

My photographs for Tasmania’s Raptor Refuge featured again in the 2016 calendar, and on top of that I had a couple of very privileged opportunities to shoot a Sea Eagle release in March and another one in July.

Raptor Refuge Tasmania Sea Eagle Release

Raptor Refuge Tasmania Sea Eagle Release

Overland Track

The most well known of Tasmanian trails, I finally walked the Overland Track in November and enjoyed a stunning week of weather, including another aurora display. Having knocked off Frenchmans Cap and the Overland Track in 2015, I think 2016 needs to be the year of the South West 😉

Overland Track - Pine Forest Moor, Mt Ossa & Pelions

Overland Track – Pine Forest Moor, Mt Ossa & Pelions

In general it has been a very rewarding year as I grow my range of prints, cards, calendars and workshops and again I want to thank everyone for taking an interest in my photography. I hope that you all are enjoying the festive season and have a great 2016!

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The Japanese Umbrella Pine “Kouyamaki”
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About Luke

Luke O'Brien runs a stall at Hobart's popular Salamanca Market every Saturday where his prints and cards are available for purchase. Follow Luke's photographic adventures on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.