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huon valley grove of the giants

Huon Valley Grove of the Giants

UPDATE July: It seems the Grove of the Giants is off the chopping block! Click here for the story on ABC. This grove is spared, but plenty of others aren’t. But good news is good news 🙂

Recently I took a visit to the Huon Valley Grove of the Giants which is a stunning patch of giant old eucalyptus trees, including “Lathamus Keep” which is the largest Blue Gum on earth.

Huon Valley Grove of the Giants

A couple of the giants near the start of the walk

The whole area is another example of the disregard Tasmania holds toward its incredible old forests. Rather than being protected, celebrated and promoted for their natural values as part of our World Heritage Area, this forest is instead up for logging by an industry that continues to claim it doesn’t actually log old growth forest and rainforest.

Old myrtle beech tree - Huon Valley Grove of the Giants

Not rainforest – apparently


Huon Valley Grove of the Giants

Not old growth – apparently

The area is being promoted by the Tree Projects, a volunteer group that love giant trees and are calling for the conservation of forests such as this. They have tagged a walking track through the forest and everyone is encouraged to visit and see for themselves.

Huon Valley Grove of the Giants

Another one of the Giants

The Grove of the Giants is located in the southern forests behind Huonville, just off the road that leads to the Lake Skinner hike which is in fact inside the World Heritage area. The fact this forest is not protected is pure politics as forests like this are becoming rarer and rarer. The Grove of the Giants is surrounded by clearfells and plantations, and is absolutely deserving of protection as a remnant of the original forest.

Huon Valley Grove of the Giants

The Tasmanian Governments vision for the area


Huon Valley Grove of the Giants

Amazing old tree


Huon Valley Grove of the Giants

Lathamus Keep – the biggest Blue Gum in the world

Take action for the Grove of the Giants

The Victorian Government has just announced an end to native forest logging, following on from WA & NZ years ago and Tasmania should follow suit. If you’d like to take a very easy action to support the conservation of Tasmania’s old forests click here to sign a petition hosted by the Australia Institute, or spend some time on the Tree Projects website for maps and visiting info.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.