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Golden Whistler at Inala Bruny Island

Inala Bruny Island Birds

Inala Bruny Island is an absolute haven for Tasmania’s endemic birdlife. I just came back from a 3 day photography workshop there with a couple of wonderful guests from the US of A and thought I’d share some of the avian highlights. It is worth mentioning too – not only did we see a great number of birds, we had simply stunning night skies and seascape shoots at dusk and dawn. I’ll post about them another time 🙂

Golden Whistler at Inala Bruny Island

Golden Whistler at Inala Bruny Island


Golden Whistler at Inala Bruny

Golden Whistler at Inala Bruny


Tasmanian endemic - the Green Rosella at Inala Bruny

Tasmanian endemic – the Green Rosella at Inala Bruny


The everpresent New Holland Honeyeater in Inala's Jurassic Garden

The everpresent New Holland Honeyeater in Inala’s Jurassic Garden


Scarlet Robin, South Bruny Lighthouse

Scarlet Robin, this one was down near the South Bruny Lighthouse

Inala Bruny has a wonderful “Jurassic Garden” which is planted with many Tasmanian tree species such as Nothofagus (myrtles) and Eucryphia (leatherwood) and their Gondwanic relatives from South American and New Zealand. There always seems to be something in flower meaning the local birds are always active. There is also a dedicated Pardalote platform, where you get a really good chance to shoot the rare 40 spotted pardalote.

forty spotted pardalote inala bruny island

40 spotted pardolote. Also a brand of Tasmanian Gin 🙂 Captured on a previous visit.


forty spotted pardalote inala bruny island

Forty Spotted Pardalote at the purpose built hide in Inala Bruny Island

Private Tasmanian 3 day photography tours

Check out all the details of my 3 day photography workshops, including this Inala Bruny Island one, on this page on my website.

Private 3 day workshops run all year round on demand so are great if you can’t make the time to join one of my small group multi day tours. Private tours are available for 1 or 2 guests only but in case you were wondering, yes, I am starting to plan for a small group photography tour to Bruny Island in the not too distant future too!

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.