Maria Island Free Ferry Service this Winter!
For those who are planning a visit to the sunny east coast of Tasmania in the next few weeks, make sure to take advantage of the Maria Island free ferry service which has run all winter and will finish up on September 1 2013. Normally the trip would cost you $35 (which isn’t all that unreasonable when you think about it…).
Maria Island is famous for the colonial history of Darlington, which is in fact inscribed on the World Heritage List as part of Australia’s Convict Sites. The natural attractions include the Painted Cliffs, the hike up Bishop & Clerk and the wonderful views of the Fossil Cliffs on the east coast of the island. The island is a great place to view Tasmanian wildlife up close as there are wombats, wallabies and Cape Garren Geese aplenty. Healthy Tasmanian Devils have also been introduced to the island in recent times in the hope of allowing a disease-free population to flourish as numbers throughout Tasmania steadily decline.
I am planning a trip there late in August and looking forward to a few nights away in this wonderful part of Tasmania!