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Sassafras flower on moss, Styx Valley

Sassafras on moss

Every spring the sassafras tree drops its flowers onto the forest floor, and trips to some of my regular forest haunts like the Styx Valley and Philosopher Falls become obsessive games of searching for a nice looking flower that will look nice positioned against some stunning green moss.

Sassafras flower on moss, Styx Valley

Sassafras flower on moss, Styx Valley

This year I am happy to say was no different so I present for your consideration this years entrants in my annual “Sassafras on Moss” collection – as well as a few other nice spring things 🙂

Sassafras flower on moss, Styx Valley

Sassafras flower on moss, Styx Valley

The challenge is to find a flower that has freshly fallen and isn’t rotting away yet, and a nice cushion of green moss to place it on. All in all it’s a pretty good way to spend a day!

Tasmanian sassafras flower on lichen

For variety – sassafras flower on lichen


Sassafras flower on moss, Tarkine

One from the Tarkine, Philosopher Falls track


Sassafras flower on moss, Styx Valley

Sassafras flower on moss, Styx Valley

The fallen sassafras flowers certainly aren’t the only thing to point a camera at in spring. There are various fungi that pop up at this time of year (they will be the subject of another blog post), and the unfurling fern fronds are very nice at this time of year too.

Unfurling young fern fronds, Styx Valley

Unfurling young fern fronds, Styx Valley


New fern unfurling, Philosopher Falls track

New fern unfurling, Philosopher Falls track in the Tarkine

Tassie’s forests are incredible places to explore, literal wonderlands. All my multi day photography tours include at least one forest component, and my Mt Field & Styx Valley day tour is a particularly nice way to immerse yourself in the forest for a short time.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.