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dove lake
cradle mountain night photography

Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake at night

There is nothing quite like Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake on a clear night. It doesn’t happen too often but sometimes “the stars align” (pardon the pun) and you have a night like this one… These shots are from August 2019. The image above shows the Milky Way in the western sky. The biggest white...Read More

One frozen morning

One frozen morning at Cradle Mountain recently… This was the scene for some guests on a private 3 day photography workshop recently. We drove into Dove Lake for sunrise over the -5 degree landscape. In the pre-dawn twilight we photographed the icy vegetation, including the buttongrass. There was absolutley no wind, and seeing the frozen...Read More

Snow at Dove Lake!

This is the scene we were greeted with at Dove Lake last week during this month’s Cradle Mountain photography workshop! As usual, we arrived early for our sunrise shoot, not knowing quite what to expect given the forecast. The drive to the lake was clear – no rain or snow hindered our progress. But when...Read More

Cradle Mountain sunrise and sunset photos

Whether I am doing photography tuition or “regular” tour guiding with Leatherwood Tasmania Tours the place I come to the most is Cradle Mountain. All of my Cradle Mountain photography tours and workshops include sunrise and sunset photos at Dove Lake whereas other tour groups visit the lake at more conventional hours. Last week I...Read More

Tasmanian photography locations: Cradle Mountain

Cradle Mountain is perhaps the best know Tasmanian photography locations and the beloved symbol of the Tasmanian Wilderness. It is the most well known and most visited part of Tasmania, and a highlight of any Tasmanian photography trip. Dove Lake is at around 900m altitude, and the peak of Cradle Mountain is over 1500m. Walks range...Read More