Every autumn I visit Corinna running a 5 day photography tour. One of the highlights is the fungi, which is in peak season from April through June. This year I visited Corinna once, and Philosopher Falls a few times. Here are some of the fungi we found during the May 2018 Tarkine photography tour. The autumn 2019 trip will be running from May 6-10 by the way 🙂
A type of Mycena (possibly M. epipterygia) in the Tarkine rainforests near Corinna
These guys grow in large groups. Dozens and dozens of them all over one fallen log. Found near Corinna.
These two were growing a metre or so off the ground making for some nice compositions with the background light
Hericium coralloides. Always a challenge to photograph due to its size. This image is one of my first attempts at Focus stacking, I took 5 shots, each with a slightly different focus and stacked them in Photoshop. A technique I will need to keep experimenting with!
A translucent yellow/green fungi on the track to Philosopher Falls. This one was growing a couple of metres off the ground, in the hollowed out base of a fallen tree! Shooting involved extending the tripod as high as it would go!
One of my favourites – a clump of moss, and a very interesting fungi.
Hygrocybe mavis. This one is reasonably common but always makes for a fun composition. For this one I had a bit of fun trying to get down low and shoot up on the mushroom, trying to capture a sense of it in its natural habitat
This one was on a tree stump and was easy to miss! The most enjoyable aspect of macro/fungi photography is simply taking your time. The walk to Philosopher Falls would be less than an hour return, but we usually spend around 3 hours here – and it never quite seems to be enough!
The Tarkine is a truly precious area, wild and remote. It is a nature lovers and photographers paradise, and hopefully it is given proper conservation status in the not too distant future.