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Tarkine Walks and Waterfalls: McGowans Falls

The Tarkine is a vast area of cool temperate rainforest and tall eucalypts in north west Tasmania and contains many great walks and areas to explore. One of the great Tarkine walks is to McGowans Falls. The walk starts deep in the logging roads beyond West Takone, which is accessed by turning off the main highway (A10) in between Burnie and Hellyer Gorge.

Tarkine walks and waterfalls: McGowans Falls

Tarkine walks and waterfalls: McGowans Falls

McGowans Falls is located along Farquhars Rd, and is not signposted. It takes only 10-15 minutes to reach the creek which tumbles over the falls, and the walk is reasonably easy to this point. Clambering down to the bottom of the falls requires a sturdy pair of shoes and could be very wet and slippery in the winter months. Again it is only  10~15 minutes or so, but fairly steep so care should be taken.

Tarkine walks and waterfalls: McGowans Falls

Tarkine walks and waterfalls: McGowans Falls

Being late summer, water levels on the creek and falls were low, which meant I could meander out onto the riverbed to get a clear view of the tall trees surrounding the falls. Being a very clear day there was a really nice play of light between the ridges as the sun went down.

Eucalypts tower above the Tarkine rainforest at McGowans Falls

Eucalypts tower above the Tarkine rainforest at McGowans Falls

Tarkine walks and waterfalls - tall eucalypts near McGowans Falls

Tarkine walks and waterfalls – tall eucalypts near McGowans Falls

There was a nice mist over the scene the following morning too and I am sure the area would be full of colourful fungi in the coming autumn months so a return visit may be on the cards.

Tarkine rainforest logging Tasmania

Tarkine rainforest logging Tasmania

Access to the falls involves passing through the small town of Takone, and the even smaller West Takone. You will pass an extensive forestry coupe along the way, and the fall is found by following the road to the right upon entering the forest at the end of the coupe. A couple of kms along this road you will need to look out for a turn to the right. The tagged path to the creek starts along this road.


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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.