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aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

The Southern Lights are back!

Thursday November 4, 2021 was a stunning night viewing the southern lights, and included some incredibly high beams on a perfectly clear and dark night.

aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

The aurora dancing above Bruny Island from South Arm, November 4 2021

Tasmania was treated to a real spectacle as a major geomagnetic storm hit and the aurora put on a mesmerising dance. The night was perfectly clear for what was one of the best auroral displays I’ve seen, about on par with the massive one in October 2015. The shots below were taken from dusk – around 9:00 – through to around 12:45 (and apparently it picked up again after I’d left!).

aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

Some of the suburban lights adding a little context to the height of the beams


Photograhing the aurora with a smart phone

This shot was taken on my phone!


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

At this point I started noticing the beams were reaching right out of the top of the frame and started angling the camera more upwards!


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

An amazing display!


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

The bright “star” is actually Venus


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

Aurora Australis, southern Tasmania November 4, 2021


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

Reaching for the Magellanic Clouds


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

Things started to settle for a little bit around this point…


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

…but not for too long!


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

The colours seemed to change as the night wore on, the purples replaced with pinkish red


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021


aurora australis tasmania november 4 2021

Quite an amazing night – I’m not sure exactly why I decided to call it quits at this point but there you go…

For the record, this aurora was a KP7 storm, with the solar wind speed around 700km/second and the Bz was in the negative teens for much of the afternoon leading up to our night.

Screenshot of spaceweather.com

The sun really has woken up with a blast in 2021, and as great as last weeks display was the best news of all is that there will be many more wonderful experiences under the southern lights coming up in the next few years!

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.