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Trowutta Arch

The Trowutta Arch is a fascinating bit of geology found along the Tarkine drive in Tasmania’s north west.

Trowutta Arch on the Tarkine Drive

Trowutta Arch on the Tarkine Drive

The drive is well signposted and the walk is very easy, only around 10-15 minutes each way. The walk passes through some beautiful open rainforest, myrtles and tree ferns are the order of the day. I visited on quite a warm day towards the end of a very warm and dry summer but I could see this being a great place to visit during the autumn fungi season.

trowutta arch tarkine drive

Ferns line the path on the easy walk in.

Inside the arch is a small pond which is a bright green colour, perhaps due to some kind of algae.

The green pond inside the Trowutta Arch

The green pond inside the Trowutta Arch

The arch is a stunning natural formation, created by the collapse of a cave.

trowutta arch tarkine drive

Stunning geology inside the arch

On a personal note I was quite chuffed to see one of my Tarkine rainforest images being used on the signage here. It was quite a (happy) surprise to see this on arrival!

Trowutta Arch

Signage at Towutta Arch featuring an image by Yours Truly 🙂

The sign welcoming visitors to the area features one of my photos 🙂

Well worth a visit, especially in the next couple of months as the fungi comes up and the green moss and ferns start to glisten in the wet again.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.