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The White Wallaby of Bruny Island

There is a special star attraction on Bruny Island – sounding a bit like a character from a Lord of the Rings movie, the “White Wallaby of Adventure Bay” kept us intrepid explorers enthralled on a recent two day photography workshop on the island. It was interesting to see that the white wallaby has a regular brown coloured joey!

White Wallaby with joey, Bruny Island

White Wallaby with joey, Bruny Island

White wallaby, Bruny Island photography tour

White wallaby, Bruny Island photography tour. Apparently not all grass is good grass!

Apart from the White wallaby…

Bruny Island is a nature lovers paradise. Apart from the white wallaby, it is particularly known for bird watching. In a short couple of hours we saw a white bellied sea eagle, oyster catchers, herons, a rosella and many others I can’t name…

White bellied sea eagle, Bruny Island

White bellied sea eagle, Bruny Island

Oystercatcher, Bruny Island

Oystercatcher, Bruny Island

As with all of my workshops and in the field tuition, a dusk and dawn shoot were included and we were treated to quite a dramatic display of cloud and light over the thin strip of land known as the Neck. Magically the thick cloud cleared for around 30 minutes to allow a little bit of fire in the sky before completely clouding over again.

Dusk scene, Bruny Island

Dusk scene, looking towards Cape Queen Elizabeth, Bruny Island

Sunset at the Neck, Bruny Island photographic workshop Tasmania

Sunset at the Neck, Bruny Island photographic workshop Tasmania

Photography tours and tuition, Tasmania

Follow this link for details on my full range of Tasmanian photography tours and workshops. All apart from the 7 day “Tasmanian Experience” run for a minimum of two participants at mutually convenient dates all year round. Contact me to discuss dates!

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Tasmanian Experience – report from Cradle Mountain
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Wedge Tailed Eagle release by Raptor Refuge of Tasmania
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.