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Zinc Works Hobart

A few shots of the zinc works in Hobart. The zinc works are in Lutana but great photos can be had from directly across the river in Risdon. Here is a series of shots taken last night as the evening wore on.

Zinc Works Hobart. Night shot from Risdon.

Zinc Works Hobart. Night shot from Risdon.

Zinc Works Hobart. Night shot from Risdon.

Zinc Works Hobart. Night shot from Risdon.

Zinc Works Hobart. Night shot from Risdon.

Zinc Works Hobart. Night shot from Risdon.

Zinc Works Hobart. Night shot from Risdon.

Zinc Works Hobart. Night shot from Risdon.

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About Luke

Luke O'Brien runs a stall at Hobart's popular Salamanca Market every Saturday where his prints and cards are available for purchase. Follow Luke's photographic adventures on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.