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Arthur Pieman Conservation Area Orchids

All the orchid photos I have been sharing lately are from the Arthur Pieman Conservation Area in Tasmania’s north west. This area, as its name would suggest, encompasses the land in between the Arthur River in the north to the Pieman River in the south. Most of the region is coastal scrub and buttongrass plains, but some of the inland rivers are flanked by some stunning rainforest. Here are some more of the orchids we found, and thanks again to Geoff from Eco Tours Tasmania for putting on a great show 🙂

Diuris orientis wallflower orchid

Diuris orientis wallflower orchid. A common orchid, by no means only found in the Arthur Pieman Conservation Area!

Diuris orientis wallflower orchid

Diuris orientis wallflower orchid

Glossodia major

Another very common orchid and probably the easiest to find. Glossodia major. Also can be found as a lighter pink, almost white flower.

Glossodia major

Glossodia major

Microtis unifolia common onion-orchid

Microtis unifolia, the common onion-orchid

Pyrorchis nigricans fire orchid

This one was quite a special find, the Pyrorchis nigricans or fire orchid. Apparently it only flowers after fire, and the Arthur Pieman area experienced quite a significant fire two summers ago.

Pyrorchis nigricans fire orchid

Pyrorchis nigricans fire orchid

Pyrorchis nigricans fire orchid

Pyrorchis nigricans fire orchid – close up

Burnettia cuneata lizard orchid

Burnettia cuneata lizard orchid

This is the last installment of my orchid photos from the Arthur Pieman Conservation Area, I hope you have enjoyed the shots – something of a new subject matter for me!

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Tasmanian Beard Orchids (Calochilus)
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Bioluminescence at South Arm
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.