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Dark Mofo Light Show: Articulated Intersect

The Dark Mofo light show has begun! Articulated Intersect is an interactive light show with 18 high powered lights placed around Hobart’s scenic waterfront. The beams are a striking blue colour and add a new dimension to traditional photos of Hobart’s familiar waterfront landmarks. Visitors to the Hobart Waterfront are free to manipulate the levers and point the lights in any direction they please and the results make for some very interesting photographs! Over the past few nights I have shot the lights from South Hobart, Lindisfarne and at the waterfront. Here are a selection of images and no doubt there will be more to come…

Dark Mofo Articulated Intersect Hobart

Dark Mofo Articulated Intersect Hobart. Runs from Dusk til Dawn, until June 22.

Dark Mofo Articulated Intersect Hobart

Dark Mofo Articulated Intersect at the Hobart Waterfront

Dark Mofo Light Show Hobart

The Dark Mofo Light Show is lighting up the skies above Hobart every night until June 22

Dark Mofo Light Show Hobart

The familiar sights of the Tasman Bridge and Wrest Point Casino from Lindisfarne. Articulated Intersect, Hobart.

Dark Mofo Light Show Hobart

Dark Mofo Light Show Hobart

There is a full range of activities along with the light show so make sure you check out the Dark Mofo website for the full program of activities.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.