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Fagus Reminiscing

Late April in terms of bushwalking in Tasmania is closely associated with the “Turning of the Fagus” – that is, the leaves of Tasmania’s wonderfully unique deciduous beech should be at peak autumn splendor right about now.

Fagus Cradle Mountain Tasmania

Fagus at Cradle Mountain shrouded in a beautiful mist.

Given the Covid 19 lockdown means we cannot get out and about as we normally would I have spent the last week reminiscing over previous trips to view and photograph the fagus and here is a sample of my favourites 🙂

turning of the fagus cradle mountain tasmania

Also from Cradle Mountain, although of course this could have been taken anywhere 🙂


turning of the fagus cradle mountain tasmania

Fagus is most commonly an orangey-yellow. If you search though you’ll find beautiful reds which really make for a nice photo.


fagus tyndalls tasmania

Beautiful mist hanging over the fagus on Tasmania’s west coast range


fagus tasmania tyndalls

The mists of time – a view back in time to the landscapes of Gondwanaland. Deciduous beech, ancient endemic pines and pandanis.


Nothofagus gunii, the fagus. Autumn leaves on Mt Murchison

Fagus leaves on Mt Murchison. My plan for this years fagus trip was to revisit Mt Murchison. Guess I’ll have to wait til 2021 now…


Nothofagus gunii, the fagus. Autumn leaves on Mt Murchison

The red leaves are really quite striking.


Nothofagus gunii, the fagus. Autumn leaves in Mt Field National Park

The Tarn Shelf at Mt Field is very popular in autumn. In fact this weekend it would have been jam packed up there.


Fagus at Mt Field, Tasmania

Fagus on the Tarn Shelf at Mt Field. Mist really sets the mood in all locations 🙂


Nothofagus gunii, Tasmania's deciduous beech in autumn. Mt Field.

Fagus changing from summer hues to autumn hues near Lake Fenton, Mt Field National Park

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.