Mt Field Lake Fenton Fagus
A Lake Fenton fagus trip is always worthwhile, even late in the fagus season – ie right about now. There was a lovely mist and therefore a nice, even light over Mt Field today.
The fagus is Australia’s only native deciduous tree, and is a relic from the days of Gondwana. It is a wonderful sight to see the rustic autumn yellows and oranges among the snow gums, pandani and other unique alpine trees of Tasmania.
Lake Fenton is a little more than half way up the unsealed road from the visitor centre to Lake Dobson. Lake Dobson is where the alpine walks start from, including the popular Tarn Shelf walk.
Anyone familiar with hunting the fagus will know the red leaves are the prize. I could only find a very small number of red leaves this time.
As usual I spent most of my time with the macro lens on, but I also tried a couple of wide angle shots, for interest. My idea was to try and capture the sense of being totally surrounded and immersed in the autumn yellows. The effect has some potential, more work to be done however methinks 🙂
A stunning time of year. Head to Mt Field shortly if you can, I would expect the colour to last another week or so, it all depends really on when the next strong winds and rain come…