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Fungi – Twisted Sister Track (part 1)

The Twisted Sister Track is a short walk through a stunning patch of forest. “Twisted Sister” is the name given to a giant stringbark in the area that was earmarked for logging. The track was originally tagged out by conservationists protesting this logging and is now an official Parks & Wildlife track, and the area is now listed as World Heritage. It is an absolute feast for the fungi enthusiast too and I come here basically every autumn at least once 🙂 Check out Environment Tasmania‘s website for more details on the track, but for now, here’s some fungi highlights!

I’ll start with my favourite from the day. Spent a LOT of time lining and lighting this one up. Loved every minute of it too 🙂


Pretty sure this ones called Hygrocybe mavis, but there may have been a name change recently…


Maybe a Hygrocybe pseudograminicolor. I bet that’s what you were thinking too 😉


Another shot I took a lot of time with and therefore another favourite from the day!


Another “behind the scenes” shot composing the shot above.


Fungi and bokeh, a good combination 🙂


Another contender for shot of the day, definitely in the top 2 🙂

There’s more to come, stay tuned for part 2 from this trip…

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Mycena interrupta – Ol’ Blue Eye
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Mt Field Lake Fenton Fagus
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About Luke

Luke O'Brien runs a stall at Hobart's popular Salamanca Market every Saturday where his prints and cards are available for purchase. Follow Luke's photographic adventures on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.