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More fungi photos – Timbs Track

Timbs Track is a great place to park the car and go on a fungi forage. The track itself is the starting point for the multi day hike out to Lake Rhona but there are a few side tracks that were tagged during the anti-forestry protests a few years ago. As a side note, it is nice to know the area was in fact spared the logging and has been added to the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. There is even some interpretive signage up now and the tracks are in quite good condition and easy to follow.

fungi timbs track tasmania

Galerina hypnorum. Tiny little mushroom and growing very close to the ground involved a fair bit of tripod acrobatics to capture this one 😉

These shots are all from a day out there last week. The fungi was everywhere and should be around for at least a few weeks to come so grab that macro lens and get out there!

Little white fungi, no I dont know the name...

A nice white fungi. This one was much more conveniently located on a fallen log around 50cm off the ground so much easier to photograph 🙂

A type of coral fungi

An orangey coral fungi on the forest floor. Tough to get the camera into an interesting angle to shoot these guys…

Unknown fungi

This one looks like it would be more at home on the dessert buffet table than on the muddy forest floor! I placed the camera right on the ground to shoot this one.

Could it be the special glow in the dark ghost fungi?

Could it be the special glow in the dark ghost fungi? I didnt wait around until dark so I cant be 100% sure…

fungi and bokeh timbs track tasmania

Fungi and Bokeh, always a delightful combination 🙂

fungi timbs track tasmania

My favourite shot of the day and funnily enough the one that I spent the least time on and only fired off one shot. I often shoot a few, perhaps with different apertures or slightly different composition/angle etc but this was my only attempt at these guys.

More fungi and bokeh. Another coral.

More fungi and bokeh. This time with a whole host of coral fungi devouring a fallen tree.

fungi timbs track tasmania

Another camera on the ground shot…

Helpful fungi resources:

Aside from of course joining one of my autumn photography tours (which of course is my number 1 recommendation!), I would suggest checking out the following for more fungi fun:

Fungi Flip – waterproof ID guide to the most common Tasmanian fungi

Field Guide – a very nicely presented book with loads of info

Tasfungi.com.au – the website that brings it all together

Tasmanian Fungi group on Facebook. Got any questions? Share your photos and ask away!


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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.