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RACT Cradle Mountain Hotel

As many of you would know I have been running regular photography tours to Cradle Mountain for years now, staying at the Cradle Mountain Hotel. This winter, RACT and I have partnered up to present another trip, running from June 19-22.

alpine photography workshop cradle mountain

Alpine Photography Workshop – Luke O’Brien Photography and RACT are proud to present a 4 day trip to Cradle Mountain. June 19-22, 2018

All the details can be found on the Cradle Mountain Hotel’s own webpage, and all bookings can be made directly through the RACT/Cradle Mountain Hotel.

cradle mountain alpine photography workshop

The winter sky at night. Airglow and the Milky Way above Cradle Mountain, May 2018

The itinerary/activities are all the same as my usual 4 day tour, that is we will shoot:

  • sunrise and sunset at Dove Lake
  • a night sky shoot if conditions allow
  • waterfalls and rainforest during the days, including Philosopher Falls in the Tarkine, and Nelson Falls on the return drive to Hobart
  • We will also visit the Devils@Cradle sanctuary to get some close ups of the Tasmanian Devil.
cradle mountain alpine photography workshop

Tasmanian Devil at Devils@Cradle Sanctaury

And some great news for RACT members – all RACT members are entitled to a discount of up to $100 (for a single room). Twin share rates are also available. So join me for a great opportunity to experience and photograph the beauty of winter at Cradle Mountain.


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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.