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Notley Fern Gorge Walk Tasmania

There is a very nice short walk through the Notley Fern Gorge Reserve just out of Legana/Exeter, a short drive from Launceston. Follow the A7 to Legana, turn left onto the C732 (Bridgenorth Rd), and follow the signs to the reserve.

Moss spores in the Notley Fern Gorge Tasmania

Really enjoying playing with the bokeh with my macro moss shots lately 🙂

I was basically doing a bit of a scout to see if there was much fungi about (there wasn’t – in fact the whole area was very dry, with almost no flow on the creek at all). Instead my attention quickly turned to the moss and fern details, so I took my time lining up some nice macro landscapes.

Notley Fern Gorge Walk Tasmania

Moss spores in the Notley Fern Gorge. This area will no doubt be full of fungi in another month or so.

Moss spores, Notley Fern Gorge Walk Tasmania

Just a small change in composition, and a change in the light in the forest alters the mood of the shot quite a lot!

I also took a few shots of other details in the forest, fallen leaves and various ferns. I didn’t shoot the creek at all – there really was almost no water at all. It will be well worth another visit once things wet up again.

Fallen leaf, Notley Fern Gorge

A fallen leaf on the side of a fern

Small fern growing off a tall tree fern

The weather was clear meaning bright sun in the background of this shot, but I think it has worked out ok 🙂

All shots taken with the 100mm macro lens at f2.8 and ISO 100.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.