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Raptor Photography Workshop

On Sunday August 2, I will be running a raptor photography workshop at the Raptor Refuge in southern Tasmania.

Raptor Photography Workshop Tasmania

Raptor Photography Workshop at Tasmania’s Raptor Refuge. Sunday August 2, 2015

The Raptor Refuge is a working refuge and rehabilitation centre for Tasmania’s magnificent raptors rather than a zoo or wildlife park and is therefore not open to the public on a regular basis.

Masked Owls, at Tasmanias Raptor Refuge

Masked Owls, at Tasmanias Raptor Refuge

Support Raptor Conservation Work in Tasmania

Participants in this workshop will not only have a very unique opportunity to photograph these raptors up close, but will be contributing to the conservation work undertaken here with around 50% of the admission fee donated to the refuge. The refuge provides vital conservation work, culminating with injured raptors, such as this White Bellied Sea Eagle, being returned to the wild fighting fit.

Raptor Photography Workshop - Wedge Tailed Eagle

Raptor Photography Workshop – Wedge Tailed Eagle

Topics to be covered during the day will include:

* Exposure settings


* Focus and metering techniques

* Post processing tips

Written notes on the above will also be provided.

Raptor Photography Workshop Peregrine Falcon

Raptor Photography Workshop – Peregrine Falcon

The Raptor Refuge is currently home to many Tasmanian raptors including Wedge Tailed Eagles, Sea Eagle, Boobook Owls, Masked Owls, Peregrine Falcon, Goshawks, Australian Hobby and more. While participants will not be able to enter enclosures, shooting into the enclosure will not be a problem. Craig will have a few birds on display in the purpose-built education centre too.

Australian Hobby at Tasmanias Raptor Refuge

Australian Hobby at Tasmanias Raptor Refuge

Raptor Photography Workshop – The Details

Date: Sunday August 2

Cost: $475

Includes: transport; catering; tuition & notes; donation to refuge.

To book: Contact me

To learn more about the refuge please visit their website

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.