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Styx Valley World Heritage Area

A welcome addition to the Styx Valley World Heritage area is this new sign!

styx valley world heritage area tasmania

Welcome to the Styx Valley World Heritage Area!

For years the valley has been the scene of bitter disputes between the forest industry and conservationists. Now, the North Styx and two Big Tree reserves in the valley of the giants are officially part of the World Heritage Area.

styx valley tasmania

Looking west out of the valley – logging continues in parts of the valley that have not been set aside for conservation.

On another note, here are some macro shots from the Big Tree Reserve, in particular a striking white fungi which I have photographed twice in the last week. Really interesting to see it change shape over a few days.

White fungi, Styx Valley Big Tree Reserve

White fungi, Styx Valley Big Tree Reserve

White fungi, Styx Valley Big Tree Reserve

White fungi, Styx Valley Big Tree Reserve

White fungi, Styx Valley Big Tree Reserve

The same white fungi a few days later, interesting to see the cap starting to pull apart and spread upwards.

The main access road from Maydena was closed for the past few months but has now re-opened. If you haven’t been in before now is a good time. There are still a few little fungi around, but in a sign that the seasons are once again changing, the new-growth spring fern shoots are starting to appear, as are the flowers of the Sassafras tree.

New fern frond, Styx Valley Tasmania

New fern frond, Styx Valley

My Mt Field and Styx Valley tour runs on demand for at least 2 people. Spend the morning shooting the well known waterfalls at Mt Field before spending a quiet afternoon in the secluded Styx Valley. Contact me to register interest 🙂

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.