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Australian Geographic Aurora Australis Feature

And now for a little shameless self promotion – after all, isn’t that what the internet is all about! – one of my images has been included in this months Australian Geographic aurora australis feature!

Australian Geographic Aurora Australis Feature

This months Australian Geographic has a special feature on the aurora in Tasmania and one of my images is included 🙂

The image was from the amazing all night aurora of October 7-8 2015. After shooting hours of timelapse footage I decided to jump in the frame and pose for a shot, thinking this was one opportunity for a “selfie” I couldn’t refuse…


My shot in the Australian Geographic Aurora Australis feature. July-August 2016 edition (page 59 for those keen on finding it straight away!)

Just for a bit of a fun, here are some more “selfies” from that night, which I hadn’t even looked at properly until just now. As is often the case after a shoot, you quickly scan the shots and pick the stand out image pretty quickly. It is always fun to look back over images and see what you missed!

Aurora chasing in Tasmania

Sitting down on the job…

Aurora chasing Tasmania

Another angle on the chase…

Aurora chasing in Tasmania

Sitting definitely doesn’t have quite the same effect does it…

Australian Geographic Aurora Australis Feature

The shot of the night, and the one that is in the Australian Geographic aurora australis feature this month 🙂

What I liked about the original image I chose was two things – first of all, I had managed to stand still for the duration of the 5 second exposure, so there was a clear silhouette. Important box to tick! Secondly the position of the beams in the sky really sets the composition off. Without intending it at all, the rule of thirds is there and those beams were in perfect position. I now use this image for my social media and even my business card – and now, Australian Geographic too 🙂

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.