Tasmanian Aurora Chasers Feature on ABC 7:30!
Last Wednesday (September 2, 2015) Tasmanian aurora chasers featured on a segment on the ABC’s 7:30. The segment included an interview with yours truly (!) and followed me on a trip to the Tessellated Pavements (Eaglehawk Neck) to capture footage in the field. As luck would have it – and I seem to have a lot of luck with the aurora repeatedly appearing for me during workshops – the aurora again appeared for the ABC’s camera man.

Behind the Scenes I: Interview in the kitchen! Looking at the gauges to see whether or not we would have a chance at capturing an aurora that night.

Behind the Scenes II: Arriving at Eaglehawk Neck right on dusk – skies perfectly clear, the moon was out and it all looked very positive re the aurora.
In my previous blog post, I shared some of the images captured during that evening, and this time around I thought I would share a few “behind the scenes” images as well as the timelapse captured that night. A short section of this timelapse appeared on the segment – the whole timelapse includes a rather nice explosion of beams right at the beginning:
I was also quite impressed with the following graphic that appeared on Twitter the next day:
It is important to point out that the photo isn’t one of mine (I am not sure whose it is – the graphic is the work of the ABC) – but regarding the quote, well, I couldn’t agree with me more on that one!
The full story, including a transcript is now online on the ABC website. There is also a short preview clip which can be viewed here (7:30 Facebook).