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Tarkine Exhibition Opening Night Photos

The Wilderness Societys Love the Tarkine exhibition opened last night at the Long Gallery in Hobart’s historic Salamanca. The spacious gallery was jam packed with a passionate crowd who lapped up inspirational speeches by Glover Prize winner, Janet Laurence; former Greens leader Bob Brown and Tasmania’s most well known wilderness photographer Rob Blakers. All outlined their concern at the proposals to mine throughout the Tarkine region, which was recommended for national heritage listing by the Australian Heritage Commission in 2010. This recommendation was rejected by then Environment Minister, Tony Burke. All speakers noted the upcoming Tasmanian State election, which includes promises by the State and Federal Liberal parties to de-list 74,000 hectares of forest from Tasmanian’s World Heritage Area for logging, and to allow development inside protected areas. The vulnerability of the Tarkine was on display in the photographs, artwork and impassioned speeches.

Tarkine photography and art exhibition, Long Gallery, Tasmania. March 6 - 16, 2014

Tarkine photography and art exhibition, Long Gallery, Tasmania. March 6 – 16, 2014

Tarkine photography and art exhibition Tasmania

Tarkine photography and art exhibition Tasmania

"Love the Tarkine" - photography and art exhibition, Long Gallery, Tasmania

“Love the Tarkine” – photography and art exhibition, Long Gallery, Tasmania

"Love the Tarkine" - photography and art exhibition, Long Gallery, Tasmania

“Love the Tarkine” – photography and art exhibition, Long Gallery, Tasmania

Tarkine photography and art exhibition Tasmania

Tarkine photography and art exhibition Tasmania

Glover Prize winner Janet Laurence addresses the audience at last nights Tarkine Exhibition opening

Glover Prize winner Janet Laurence addresses the audience at last nights Tarkine Exhibition opening

Bob Brown opens the "Love the Tarkine" exhibition in Hobart last night.

Bob Brown opens the “Love the Tarkine” exhibition in Hobart last night.

Tarkine photography and art exhibition Tasmania

Tarkine photography and art exhibition Tasmania

I have contributed six photographs to the exhibition. I have also put together a new set of three Tarkine photos which is on sale at the exhibition. 25% of sale price will be donated to the Wilderness Society’s Tarkine campaign, so please consider a purchase 🙂

Tasmania's Wild Tarkine

TC 35: Tasmania’s Wild Tarkine. Available at the Tarkine Exhibition in Hobart until March 16.

Tarkine Photography Workshops

And anyone interested in seeing the Tarkine for themselves should consider joining one of my Tarkine (Corinna) photography workshops! Current dates can be found on my Tarkine tour page.

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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.