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Tarkine Fungi: Corinna and surrounds

Of the many reasons to visit and photograph the Tarkine fungi is one of the more compelling and interesting at this time of year. The rainforest in autumn is damp and cool and a myriad of colourful forms appear on the soaking wet logs, mossy tree trunks and sponge-like forest floor. On a recent visit to the Tarkine we were treated to a wonderful autumn display, all within shouting distance of our great little “Home in the Wilderness” at Corinna.

The Whyte River walk in Tasmania's Tarkine near Corinna

Whyte River walk in Tasmania’s Tarkine – a classic walk in the wet autumn months!

There are many great walks that start right from Corinna, and plenty more that are only a short drive away. If you venture slightly further afield you can find all sorts of places like the Philosopher Falls walk.

Fungi in Tasmania's Tarkine

Fungi in Tasmania’s Tarkine – Whyte River walk near Corinna

Blue fungi in Tasmania's Tarkine region

Blue fungi in Tasmania’s Tarkine region

Intricate detail of Tasmanian rainforest fungi in the Tarkine region

Intricate detail of Tasmanian rainforest fungi in the Tarkine region

The walks that start and finish at Corinna are the Whyte River walk, the Huon Pine walk (which connects right through to the bridge on the Savage River on the Western Explorer for those who want to make a full day of it) and the Telegraph Hill walk. All are quite passable to casual walkers although it must be said that good solid hiking boots rather than street shoes are necessary for the Whyte River or Savage River walks. Rain gear is a must too, especially at this time of year.

Mushrooms in Tasmanias Tarkine

Mushrooms and fungi are sprouting everywhere!

Red fungi in Tasmanias Tarkine

Red fungi on the Philosopher Falls track in Tasmanias Tarkine

Tiny Tarkine fungi near Corinna

Tiny Tarkine fungi near Corinna

Capturing the autumn fungi will be a major feature of the new 5 day Tarkine Photography Tour which is in planning for next May. The dates for 2015 are now set as May 2-6.  For full details on this workshop click here.

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Tarkine Mining: Mt Lindsay Rainforest
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Leeawuleena – Sleeping Water Art Exhibition, Lake St Clair
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About Luke

Luke has been photographing Tasmania for more than 20 years now. Luke runs small group tours and has a large range of prints and cards available as well as his new book "Timeless Tasmania". You can follow Luke's photographic travels on Twitter at @lukeobrienphoto, at his Facebook page or by subscribing to his email newsletter.